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Yasus Afari, Jamaican Dub Poet and Reggae Artiste


Greetings! Let me introduce myself .......

I am a Performance Poet, Author and Ambassador for Rastafari and Shared Histories, and I am a Reggae Artiste with my own band.

I travel to many countries in the world, but I have many friends in England and Wales, and I have been in the UK to support Black History Month activities since 2010.

I am please to support the activities of Learning Links International whenever I can. 

Here I am with friends after an event where we performed poetry at Moyleci Enviroment Centre.

As well as performing poetry, I also promote poetry events and each year the increasingly popular "Jamaica Poetry Festival" is staged in August in Kingston, Jamaica.

When I travel I do workshops in schools and other organisations, I tell stories about living in Jamaica - as Jamaica became an independent countryand I explain about our shared histories.

I use my poems to tell the story.  I bring education and entertainment together as "edutainment" so learning is fun and interesting!  In my sessions I also tell the story about Africa, where we all came from, and help my audiences to think about our shared history and our shared responsibilities.

We listen and learn, and we care and share, and we sing and dance! 

Check out www.yasusafarionline.com

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