Who are we?
............ and what do we do?
Learning Links International CIC is about team work and at different times, and for different purposes, teams include: education specialists, academics, historians, poets, authors, musicians, film makers, researchers and other specialists who come together to explore our shared histories and tell the stories in creative ways to help increase understanding about our shared histories.
Find out more about our Creative Arts Team <<<<<
We work with schools, colleges and universities, communities and families, theatres and arts organisations, mental health and offender services, as well as national and international organisations.
Learning Links International CIC is managed by an experienced team of Directors:
Liz Millman: Founder and Managing Director of LLI cic.
Liz has a extensive educational management experience and specialises in literacy and innovation in learning, as well as having an extensive network of contacts in UK and internationally
Natalie Fagan - Brown: Director LLI cic from Jan 2013
Natalie has studied at the University of the West Indies with Professor Hubert Devonish and is one of the UK's leading experts in the current developments relating to "Jamiekan".
Dr. Raymond Afolarin-Olayinka has acted Business Advisor and Nigerian link for LLI cic since Jan 2012. Ray successfully completed his PhD in Knowledge Management to add to his Masters in Business Management and his considerable experience in the business world.
We have recently appointed 3 new Directors - more information to follow:
Simon Ferrigno on 31 7 23
Garrick Prayogg 31 7 23
Maggie Ogunbowo 20 9 23
LLI Advisors
Yasus Afari, co-founder of Learning Links International, is an experienced specialist in the field of creative arts, with the successful Jamaican show "Poetry in Motion" and the Jamaica Poetry Festival. Yasus Afari has supported the development of Learning Links International, and was active in developing the original idea. Yasus Afari continues to support in the work of Learning links International in any ways he can.
Sue Barnes: Director LLI cic from Sept 2012 - 31 7 2023 Now an Advisor to the Board
Sue has extensive experience in educational management and innovation and leads on Volunteer support.
June Elizabeth White Smith Gulley: is a great supporter of Black History Conversations and a Windrush Advisor.
Thanks go to:
Caroline Sansome resigned 31 7 2023 and we thank her for the role whe took as an active Community Research Volunteer based in North Wales for many years, with a special interest in the Penrhyn estates connections with Jamaica. Caroline most recently joined the team of Directors of Learning Links International bringing her organisational development skills and research experience.
Rev'd Dr Garnet Parris: Director LLI cic from Jan 2013 resigned 2016. Garnet has a brilliant grasp of the field we work in - in terms of understanding our Shared Histories and Heritage and is happy to continue to act in an advisory role.
Lamin Touray has been active in support of Black History as our Shared History since 2008 and gives ongoing support encouragement and insights into West African history.
Prof. Chris Evans from the Universty of South Wales, was the key advisor for the 'From Sheep to Sugar' project.
Dr Marian Gwyn has undertaken various advisory roles for LLI. Marian was initially supported by Learning Links International during her PhD studies when she undertook research in Jamaica. Then as an independent consultant in heritage studies she has supported our work in heritage research and telling the stories of our shared histories. Marian currently leads Black History Month developments in North West Wales, working with Race Council Cymru as Director of Heritage. We have very much valued Marian's specialist support and encouragement.
Business Support:
Barrie Buels from Crestmere Accounting has taken on the role of managing our accounts and will now be presenting them to Companies House and making sure our Community Interest Statement is promoted each year, as well as providing additional business support and Crestmere has now taken on the role of bookkeeper, working with the LLI team.
LLI Policies and Procedures
Please link through the 'CONTACT US' tab and we are happy to provide any information you want.